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8 Most Important Factors of Motivation


Do laziness kick in, and you start feeling demotivated? Or is there any other reason? Factors of motivation are as follows: work-life balance, incentives, recognition, and many other elements that raise an individual’s overall motivation to perform their duties at work or anywhere. You can apply several diverse factors of motivation for yourself or for your friends/co-workers to increase efficiency and satisfaction. The following are several important factors of motivation to think of to keep both you and your networks motivated and stay on track:

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1. Recalling and Rewarding:

Recognition and reward go side by side and are a few of the best ways to motivate people. You can praise your fellow companions around you to let them realize that you value and acknowledge their contributions. If they put in extra hard work, praise is insufficient; you should reward them. When you give positive feedback to your friends and co-workers for their work and attitude, they tend to keep it up or do it again.

Recognition can stretch from a humble compliment to hats-off and many more. If you want to reward your companion, you can offer them a small gift, a lunch party, etc.

2. Opportunities for Progress/Development:

Usually, people feel motivated to work when they realize there are chances to grow. Development and upgrade in ranks are inherent motivations. When an individual is provided with the best personality development trainer to progress a work ladder, they can escalate, and they tend to be more motivated, enthusiastic, and devoted. Knowing that they can attain a promotion, a raise, and nicer benefits if they are dynamic and dedicated, motivates them.

3. Financial Benefits:

This factor is more suitable for a cooperation environment. Financial advantages motivate most staff in one way or the other. Presenting your employees with different opportunities to make use of financial benefits in a good way, improves their work encouragement and motivation. It also offers your employees a feeling of appreciation and success. Financial benefits can range from a modest bonus and raise/increment to reasonable benefit packages, promotions, and paid leave.

4. Non-monetary Benefits:

As stated, every employee does not act in response to similar motivating factors. Even if most employees (and individuals) wish for monetary benefits, some simply choose non-monetary advantages, gestures, and benefits. They are relatively similar to rewards for them. For instance, when an employee has performed extraordinary efforts and results, reward them with a paid holiday/vacation or staycation, a health spa day, a ticket for any event like a game match, etc. Let them have a good time enjoying the moment and the benefits of their non-monetary profits.

5. Work-life Balance:

Confirming that you have a good work-life balance and a bit of flexible working hours is a good factor of motivation. If you do not overwork and have a stable work-life balance, you are less likely to quit or sense demotivation. Having flexibility in working hours gives you a push to work even harder and reach your goals with satisfaction. Eventually, you will come up with fewer excuses and be more enthusiastic to be motivated to confirm that the work is finished on time. Remember having a good work-life balance makes you happier and more productive.

6. Work Environment:

As the name implies, the work environment is motivation's major ‘environmental factor’. When you work in a company all you need is a supportive, friendly, empowering environment to properly carry out your duties and responsibilities. You will quickly feel demotivated if you confront an unfavorable work environment and don’t get welcomed or appreciated. So, you must make sure of a respectful, appreciative, caring office environment. Suggest a team meeting with your head/manager once in a while so that all can get to know each other well.

factors of motivation, tips for motivation

7. Relation with Colleagues:

In a company, employees spend a maximum part of their day with their co-workers and colleagues at the office. They devote 2/3rd of seven days to the office for a minimum of five days a week. How their co-workers behave with them affects their mood and attitude massively. If an employee feels mocked or dismissed by his teammates and feels left out, he will gradually lose motivation to contribute.

Ensure your juniors/staff are creating and getting a positive work atmosphere. If possible, allot group projects, teamwork, or have a small session on personality development skills and know its importance while working in a company. This will certainly help develop bonds in the team among employees. Look into that there is no unhealthy competition in your team.

8. Leadership and relationships with leaders:

Acting as a mentor/leader, the employees can admire and respect you for inspiration and guidance is one of the best motivating factors. As the duty of a leader, it is your responsibility to guide your fellow members as required. Your leadership attitude also says aloud a lot of motivating factors. It can encourage them and generate new perspectives, purposes, and goals. Still, it is important to remember that each individual has a unique persona, and you should mentor them accordingly.

You cannot succeed without being productive and filled with dedication. Motivation drives a person to work efficiently and productively, no matter what you are doing. We hope this article answered your question, ‘what are the important factors of motivation?’ Hence, you can carefully work on these areas to produce a more respectful and motivational work atmosphere for yourself and your friends.


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